Saturday 12 October 2013

Earn More with Adsense: Tips & Layout Optimization Tricks for High CTR

Google Adsense is perhaps the easiest way to attract advertisers from across the globe to your blog. Just submit your blog or website to Google for approval and if their content team approves your content, you are ready to place contextual text ads on your websites. Every time a reader clicks an AdSense ad link, the AdWords advertiser pays Google a small fee and Google splits the revenue with you.

Now you know how to make money with Google Adsense but to help you improve AdSense performance (and advertising revenue), here are some of the best Google Adsense Tips and Tricks for making more money (profit) from the Google Adsense program.

About me: I have been using Google AdSense since 2004 and my technology blog was recently featured as an AdSense Case Study.

Update: Some of the AdSense tricks in the article are old so you may please check my latest article on AdSense Optimization Tips that includes a PowerPoint presentation as well.

Adsene Account

5 Qualities For Affiliate Marketing

More and more people these days are turning to one
of the most popular businesses around - the business
of affiliate marketing. In this business, there are
no bosses, deadlines to meet, or piles of work that
have to be finished by the end of the day.  In
order to succeed, you only need the necessary

There are basically five things you can't do without
if you want to make it in the business of affiliate
marketing.  Below, you'll find each quality you'll

Love Your Breasts ~ 10 Simple Self-Care Tips

Love Your Breasts ~ 10 Simple Self-Care Tips

13. breast cancer blog

A couple of weeks ago, a dear friend of mine found out  that she had a 1.5 cm dense “mass” in her right breast.  She would have to have a biopsy done to investigate whether it was cancerous or not.  Over the next week or so while we waited for testing and results, time stood still.  And the conversation began about how common of a situation this is for women today.  And how we don’t really think about it until it happens to someone we love.

5 Ways to Reduce Your Risk for Diabetes

5 Ways to Reduce Your Risk for Diabetes


Most of us know someone in our life who lives with diabetes.  It may even run in your family.  It is estimated that  25.8 million people, or 8.3% of the U.S. population, have diabetes, both diagnosed and undiagnosed.  It is also estimated that 79 million people have a condition called prediabetes.  I have recently encountered a couple of people in my life who have mentioned that they are prediabetic and have since then realized how little information people really have about this epidemic that will be sweeping through our nation in the coming years.  Having been in the medical field myself for many years and having been a diabetic educator for women with gestational diabetes, I am saddened and frustrated by the lack of attention that is put on food and lifestyle choices when it comes to managing diabetes.  This is my attempt to simplify the information for anyone who may be interested.

Thursday 10 October 2013

9 Ways to Make Money from WordPress … Without Having a Blog

The Internet is flooded with too many blogs. It probably doesn’t need yours.
It’s not that you don’t have anything to say—you probably do. And it’s not that you couldn’t develop an audience, or eventually monetize that audience—you probably could. It’s definitely not that you’re not smart enough. There are plenty of people less intelligent than you already killing it online.
Unfortunately, it’s no longer 2007. There are now millions of blogs. Most of them fail, and few make any money.
Advertising rates are scraping so low, they’re now digging beneath the bottom. Monetizing your traffic is ridiculously hard, which is why you want to monetize your audience instead. Yet using a blog to monetize your audience through quality content marketing, audience engagement, and relationship building is a slow burn at best.

Wednesday 14 August 2013

7 Tips for Making Small Business Blogging Manageable

Small Business Blogging tips

Several friends weighed in on Facebook this week with topics they wanted me to write about. My client Heather of Makes Scents Natural Spa Line voiced something that I hear a lot:

“How do you do it all when life keeps throwing you curve balls? How do you keep up with social media and blogging when life happens? I just wish I had time to write a stash of blogs that I could post when I don’t have time to write. Same with Facebook and Twitter.”